Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Im still alive!!!

It's been a long time since i have posted. I have had a pretty good year running, with recent fourth place finish at the Marquette 50k in 5:11. I attempted two 100 mile races this summer and came up short in both of them. I'm singed up for the Oil Creek 100 and it looks like I might make it to the starting line. I'm coaching an awesome cross country team here in Michigan and we have that weekend off so it looks like I'm giving the hundred one more shot. I hope everyone is doing well and maybe I will keep up with this blog! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

2010 Races

Well,I have started to put some races on the calendar for this year. My training is going ok and I'm enjoying running again. I have registered for the Promise Land 50k in VA in April and the Highland Sky 40 mile in WV in June. I plan on running 3 more races just not sure yet.Well I hope everyone is well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have decided to pass on the Capon Valley 50k race this weekend in West Virginia.I decided to spend another weekend camping and training on the Shore-to-Shore trail in Northern Michigan to get ready for my next challenge of three 100 mile races in a month.I'm running Sulphur Springs on May 23 ,Old Dominion on June 6 and Mohican on June 20.This should prove to be a worthy challenge with plenty of ups and downs.My goal's for these races are to have fun and finish and run as fast as I can in the process.It's going to be a busy month and should be interesting.I have no races planned for July and will be in Leadville from August 3 to the 23 for the Leadville 100.Hope everyone is doing well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Recap for the Month

I finished the month with 223 miles(also took four days off).I finished my first ultra in over a year,running 5:00.45 at Holiday Lake. I'm getting stronger by the day and have added speed work to my training twice a week.I feel that keeping the speed is more important than running long twice on the weekend.I wish everyone well.My next race is March 14,I will be running The Land Between the Lakes 50 mile in Grand Rivers KY.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On track

I'm on my way to running over 220 miles for the month.I ran a pretty good race at Holiday Lake on Feb.14(5:00.34 for 33.66 miles).I signed up today for a 50 miler on March 14(Land Between the Lakes).I feel things are coming together nicely and look forward to warmer weather in the coming months.Good luck to everyone with your training and racing.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Great month !!!!

Well as of today 1/30, I have run 272 miles this month and ran 5 races from 5k to 25k.The races have all been difficult with the weather and trail conditions.The weight is starting to come off and I'm feeling really good.Today I registered for the Leadville 100 mile trail run and hope to put to rest the Dnf from 2007 at 72 miles.I have also registered for some 50k races and will be running the Mohican 100 in June. I have planned a total of seven ultras this year and five of those will be 50k's along with the two 10o milers.This is about half of what I ran in 2007,I started 17 and ran a 210 mile multi day.I think if I run the 50k's as training run's and race the 100's I will do just fine.I'm really excited to be back and look forward to seeing friends out on the trails.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The long road ahead.

Wow,I ran a 10k yesterday(50:05) and I do have a long way to go to get back to where I was. On the bright side my legs felt great and once I lose 30 pounds things will get easier.I have registered for a couple of races including the Holiday Lake 50k++ in Virginia next month. I'm also running the Witchy Wolf 15 miler and the Paint Creek 50k later this month.I have also registered for the Forget the PR 50k in April, in Ohio.If I'm ready I will run the Mohican 100 in June and go from there.I wish everyone well and good training.